Friday, April 18, 2008

Here's the Rub on the Final Debate

Obama didn't do well in the last debate. In fact, this debate may indeed be the last as he has indicated little interest in another proposed debate ahead of the North Carolina primary. I don't think skipping a debate is a good idea because he should end on a high note. Why allow your last debate performance to be one that was nearly universally panned?

Much rancor has been aimed at the moderators, Charles Gibson and George Stephanopolous, for doing a shoddy job in the first 45 minutes and waiting until the debate was half over to get into the "real issues that voters care about." Are these same complainers at all chastened that for such a supposedly shoddy job done by the moderators, this was the highest rated debate so far this election cycle? Perhaps people care more than the media elite can measure.

While I can agree that Obama took fire from both Clinton and the moderators, he certainly did not show that he can perform under pressure. The White House press corps is not known for playing patty cake with the President. Yes, the questions were inane and not about the issues, but they were certainly about topics that have been in the headlines, the editorial pages and on the blogs. Our man seemed not only agitated but also ill prepared. Does he have feet of clay? Can he not take a difficult situation and use his political skills to turn the situation to his advantage? We saw him do that the day after, brushing himself off (talk about seeming pompous!) and decrying Washington tactics, but the job he is applying for is in Washington. It will take leadership to change the culture of Washington, more leadership and political skill than he showed on Wednesday.

He was so off his game from the beginning of the debate that when the discussion did turn to policies he was wrongheaded or decidedly impolitic in some of his answers:
  1. Does he really think that the nuclear umbrella must extend beyond Israel to our other Middle Eastern allies like Saudi Arabia (with whom most Americans do not identify culturally)? This is new foreign policy seeminly concocted on the spot by both candidates.
  2. If keeping the capital gains tax low brings in more revenues, what is the point of raising the capital gains? To punish people who invest in American companies (who are not all super wealthy by the way)? Many of us who have 401(k)s have been told that we need to invest in stocks to receive the best returns. Why punish ordinary folks trying to build their retirement income? And besides, he might have to lower the capital gains tax to zero if he wishes to entice Republicans to pass health care reform.
  3. Why would he commit to removing troops from Iraq regardless of conditions on the ground and advice from his generals? No one believes that he has enough information at this moment to make such a promise. How about a little wiggle room please?
  4. And a no new taxes pledge? Ridiculous! Bill Clinton went back on his proposed middle class tax cut as soon as he took office and got a better understanding of the state of the economy in light of his economic goals (see #3 regarding committing before knowing all the facts). Clinton's flip flop came after bludgeoning Bush the father in the campaign for going back on his reversal of his "read my lips" pledge. Again, answer in a way that still provides cover.

I take solace only in the fact that the real campaign has not yet been joined. Once the presumptive democratic nominee has a chance to define himself to the general electorate in contrast to John McCain, we'll see a much better measure of Obama's political skills under duress. But what a shame that Obama's final debate performance was also his worst.


Ericka said...

My personal opinion is that the debate was a travesty and a discount of the regular American voter. It was not a debate of news-worthiness between two democratic collegues. It was an access hollywood debacle on who has more dirt! It was annoying and condescending.

I have been told by 2 McCain possible supporters that Obama won the debate because Hillary looked like a vengeful abuser of the abuse she experienced. The shock of the ridiculousness has distracted most from the little bit of issues addressed.

Look, much to my frustration, he will not attack and play the clintonians methods of politics..."I was abused and so I must abuse you." It's insanity to me that people like to see this with in their own party. Is she suppose to be preparing him? Don't you think if Hillary were preparing BO to truly face the Republican attacks in Nov. that she would tell him this privately and they would give a good show. Instead she appears to be out for herself and wants to drag all the baggage about with her and create more for BO.

With that said, I don't know if he should do another debate...maybe. But it will be more of the same, maybe with better focused answers from Obama. He should get Katie Couric off the commenters though because she is a Clinton "homey."

In the end, BO won this debate, in my opinion. I'm not worried about him facing restraint necessary there. There is so much amunition for him to slam her, but I don't think it is his nature to do it to a possible running mate. Slimmly possibly, but possible.

I was a little worried some of the points on the issues. He looked totally knocked off his game by the ambush and was pissed!!! No harm done though. I'll tell you, the non-elitist american people didn't get the capial gains conversation, because I didn't! It seemed like nit picking over nuances.

My faith in a Democratic win has not waivered. The game is changing before your eyes and will prove to be a much more dynamic event in the fall. I can't wait!

This is not a contest based on absolute accuracy on the issues. It's about likability and relative closeness on issues that are important to the regular folks. Which are:

1. Keep me safe and do it so I can be proud of my country
2. Make my daily life livable and fair
3. Don't make me feel insignificant.

The pundits seem so out of touch to me.

Ericka said...

I forgot to mention that the ratings were high because everybody and their Mom was tuned in to get some meat out to help them make a decision or see how their candidate will fair...

It wasn't because ABC put out good questions. It was 'the debate' that was interesting. No matter what channel, people would have tuned in. I wonder what the statistics were of how many people turned it off? They missed the booing at the end if they did.