Monday, September 15, 2008

Looting America!

I do believe that history is repeating itself because a wealthy few drive it to be so. I predict today that the stock market will crash and the American dream will sink into the mud that the money changers and the money masters have created.

Who are these people?

Lehman Bros.: (2007) $34.4 million
Merrill Lynch: (2007) $24.3 millionAIG:(2007) $14.3 million
Fannie Mae: (2007) $14.2 millionFreddie Mac: (2007)$18.3 million
Morgan Stanley: (2007) $41.8 millionGoldman Sachs: (2007) $70.3 million
Bank of America: (2007) $24.8 millionJP Morgan Chase and Co.: (2007) $27.8 million
Citigroup: (2007) $25.5 million

figures are one year compensation for the CEO position only and do not
include the compensation for other top executives, traders, partners,
figures courtesy of Executive Paywatch and based on SEC filings

For the first time in my life, I'm really scared of what is REALLY going on in the high places of our government. Who is running the show? Questions are being raised because the everyday American is suffering. Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Beahr Sterns??? Never in my days did I think we could repeat the past. Something is at odds with what drives our countries economics. Who has benefitted the most from the existance and than failure of these banks? How did we become a debtor society in government and individual accounts? America is failing.

I recall hearing a story about Abraham Lincolns greenback money that was created to fund the civil war along with income taxes. I found this article: The History of the Greenback Dollar. I'm prone to be suspicious of how the world works, and this didn't help. Is it possible that there is some fraud that has been fed to Americans? Has war always been the great deception to control the flow of money to a select few? War scared us into agreeing to the un-agreeable? I just don't know the answers to this. Insecurity drives bad decision making. What is America about to face? What is the world on the cusp of? I want to believe the spirit of America is strong and vibrant and visionary and rich in perseverance. Let it be so, to overcome what ever faces us.

I fear for Obama if he does become President that we will be looking for more from him than he ever imagined. I fear that the bleakness of our future is unavoidable and he will be blamed and the rich and well-connected will continue to become richer and more well-connected while our every day needs ignorantly feed their pockets.

Radical change is needed.

PS. If anyone knows what this means please tell me: Money in Circulation

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Letter to America

After a day of watching and reading about the state of this political debate, I am thoroughly sick and tired of the crap! Lipstick, pigs, bull dogs, book burners, troopergate, celebrities, pregnant teens, sex-ed, mooseburgers and tons of other irrelevant and meaningless debate has high jacked all the inspiration right out of me. I forgot why I hated politics until I saw why the Republicans win.

The Republican Party that I respected as worthy opponents because of their toughness has undoubtedly shown their greatest weakness. They are liars! They remake the truth into anything that makes them look like they love the everyday people, just to win elections and preserve power and dollars. Why can’t we Democrats call this unethical party out!

They claim to be a safe haven for Christian family values, yet they lie on the stump and always judge the intellectually accomplished. They claim to be pro-life, but quickly shoot down healthcare, even for Veterans. They claim to love our country, but don’t let our greatest assets, our values, be a beacon to the world. Instead they embrace torture and talk down to foreigners. I love what my country represents and for the first time in my adult life I question what many of my fellow country men think she represents. America is a beautiful land full of beautiful people. What are we really thinking about this election cycle?

When I look at the Statue of Liberty standing alone in that harbor I see an America proudly saying bring all to my shores. When I see the golden gate bridge I see a country that believes that all men and women are created equal. When I see New Orleans, I feel pride in the rich cultures we have so openly embraced. When I see the golden prairies of the heartland I feel the sentiment of all the farmers’ rewards of hard work. The Big Apple, Chitown, the Alamo, Florida Sunshine, Malibu Beach, lil ole Waverly, Virginia, Route 66 and millions and millions of other rich pockets of success and struggle that made America.

Today I lived a life like an alien in my own home. What happened to you America? Where have you gone? Is it only the landscape that can be a source of pride? Do I really know the personality of the people where I come from? Have I been falling for the okie-doke? What is this place of such conflict and pain, gotchas and put downs. Am I the only one paying attention that can understand why Michelle Obama thinks our country is mean? Or am I the only one that can see why Cindy McCain doesn’t get what she means? What is going on here?

Since when is privilege more important than perseverance? I feel like I’ve stepped into the twilight zone. Lies have been debunked, untruths uncovered. What kind of values are on display when some one lies to win the White House where we want no lies?

This day confirms a simple idea for me. Change is hard, change is painful, change can seem impossible. Republicans will hold on to what has always worked in the past. Exploit the swing voters attention span, insult the Left, put up smoke screens and mirrors because “we don’t care about those not like me.” That is the republican message, they start the culture wars and ask us to be ignorant of it all, I believe not even knowing what damage is being done to us watching the spectacle. Is this really the image they want to have? Compassionless, ideologues cynical on every issue? FEAR is the leader of the ego. FEAR is the angry message to ratchet up anger. When you peel away the skin of what is happening, I smell nothing but FEAR. FEAR creates liars from descent people.

America, are you willing to possibly be lead into another war of lies? I declare a war on lies since everything else can be warred against. SOOOO sick of the bs.

I want a President that is willing to call out the game. I want a President that will practically choose a direction that is for the good of the country whether it is left right or middle. I believe that my America is still here, I just can’t here her because the noise of ambition is killing her voice. Today I was reminded so firmly of why I am a Democrat. A LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE Democrat! I’m so proud to be a Democrat that believes our best days are to come because finally we will shut the fear mongerers the hell up! Truth is a value that should not be sacrificed to win.

Please, please, please, America, stand up with me and reject this crazy campaigning and the media’s addictive perpetuation! It is our right to know what these people stand for! Any more of what we’ve been through is very insane. Enough of the lies!!! America deserves better.

A Sick Patriot

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The New York Post Got it Right?

Not that I'm as rabid as Keith Olbermann when it comes to Rupert Murdoch, but I just don't usually turn to Murdoch's media outlets for political news or opinion unless I want to learn how the other side is thinking. However, I've started checking the homepage every day for the poll numbers since being shown this website by a friend of couple of weeks ago (I apologize for being so far behind everyone else!) and came across a really good piece by the very liberal Kirsten Powers (she often subs for Colmes on Hannity and Colmes) from this morning' NY Post. She lays into both Obama and the national press corps for blowing their response to the Palin nomination with the most cogent analysis thus far. I've a feeling that as a woman, the ostensible dismissal out of hand of this "unknown" governor and the comparisons to Dan Quayle quite incensed liberal women like Powers, who are tired of women being underestimated by the establishment:

"Lured by the McCain camp, Obama supporters engaged in an argument about who had more overall experience - the top of the Democratic ticket or the bottom of the GOP ticket. This diminished Obama.

"Meanwhile, the media lit up in all their cultural-elite splendor.

"Alaska? they sneered. It has the population of Las Vegas! Funny how the coastal elite only sneers at red states with small populations. Howard Dean hailed from a blue state with almost the same population as Alaska and was a national phenomenon and front-runner for the presidency. Joe Biden's Delaware has a similarly small population - but no mocking was forthcoming there."

The week of the Democratic convention, Maureen Dowd and Eugene Robinson described the Democratic zeitgeist during that week. Taking different routes, both concluded that many of the Democrats had a foreboding feeling that something was bound to go wrong for the Democrats. Even in this Democratic year with an unpopular president, an economy on the skids, and wars without end in two distant lands, the Dems just could not allow themselves to feel hopeful or positive that this is their year. The columns perfectly described my own dread that something was bound to go wrong. Friday of that week, following Obama's knockout convention speech, the McCain campaign announced that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would be McCain's vice presidential choice, and the hand wringing began in earnest!

It's as though my worst fears were realized. See I told you so! The Dems just can't win at presidential politics! And now that I'm of a mind to criticize the Obama campaign and the Dems in general for being caught flat footed regarding the Palin nomination, I was pleased to read Kirsten Powers' piece linked to on the RCP homepage today. I'm reminded that I felt this way during the primaries and my man still came through ultimately, but in watching this campaign rev up, anyonoe can see that the Dems don't play hardball like Republicans do. Republicans care about winning and Democrats care about playing by the rules. Remember that that is how Obama won the nomination, not by dispatching his opponent but by playing a slightly better game and appealing to the judges.

Imagine if Obama loses the "I told you so's" about not picking HRC as his running mate! Even Gloria Steinem might have to retract her statement that "women are never frontrunners." But I doubt she would since she's determined that Sarah Palin is the wrong kind of woman. What arrogance! Palin (I know she's not at the top of the ticket but I've fallen into the conceit that this race is between Palin and Obama, the other two old white men notwithstanding) might just deserve to win because she's shown she's willing to fight for it, unlike our languid candidate. Ironic that Palin's ascent absolutely defies Steinem's setup argument in her NY Times piece, but that's because Steinem ignores the fact that politics is about taking advantage of opportunities, not just being right.