Saturday, May 3, 2008

Our political process is a drag!

Elitist, out of touch, soft, not a fighter, too black, not black enough, terrorist, no goes on and on.

I'm sick to death of this election. It is depressing. In my opinion, why don't we all vote for McCain and make Hillary the VP. Seems to me that's what America wants.

All Obama's negatives above don't equate to what a presidency would be like under the two opponents. I can't tell what America wants. Do they want a president that had to tell people things that seem good at the moment and then do what ever they want when in office? Or do they want the truth of what is really going on? I'm on one side of this split personality and I'm starting to believe that I many think I shouldn't believe in a better government. A working government. It seems to me this country is happy with government just the way it is. I do believe all this extra is more damning to the needs of regular people than I have before. It really keeps people's minds busy with things not meaningful to their daily lives.

My biggest beef with this election is the way the media creates self-fulfilling prophecies. You know how a parent may say to their child, "I don't want you to date outside of your race, because you will face challenges. Those challenges will be too much so I don't want you to date that person." In this example the parent is the problem! Joe Scarface said the other day that it is elitist to reject the gas tax...ignoring the fact that just by saying that he is making it so. It's bs like this that angers me. He doesn't believe that half a tank of gas could really pay for going to the beach, does he? Or a trip to Six Flags...give me a break! It's just a ploy to say SOMETHING was done, even if it has long term ramifications. If a half a tank of gas on average would make that much of a difference in your summer, than you probably don't have a car anyway! It is so condescending and cheating of regular people! But maybe the people like the emotional high from it...The stimulus package was better because of the amount, but kind of the same thing. I'm not using it to pay for new stuff. I'm paying down debt! I feel like because we are such a free society it makes it easy to play on that to manipulate people. And thus, here lies why I think politics is a drag.

My choice for POTUS is now really clear, but if America doesn't agree, then I guess I'll be stuck with 4 more years of McBush and McBush in the form of a Clinton. To me that is the choice.

1 comment:

Sean McLeod said...

Politics sucks, don't it? I think this has gone on so long and Obama is so damaged that depression has set in for those of us who want him to be POTUS, but the forces--media, republicans, Hillary, "traditional America"--are all against him. I'm so despondent. I'm starting to feel like even if he gets the nomination, it will be a hellish fall campaign and he'll end up losing. I'll still support him, but I'm starting to feel that the deck is stacked against him.