Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Political Post Mortem

This is my favorite part of the political season, when the winners are lauded as geniuses and the losers exposed as backbiting and disorganized. Ann Kornblut of the Washington Post is a political insider who had the definitive story of how Hillary Clinton's campaign was in disarray following losses to Obama on Super Tuesday, and she did the same for the McCain campaign on Wednesday, as did Elisabeth Bumiller for the New York Times.

Frankly I'm not sure what to believe regarding the riffs between McCain and Palin or Palin and her handlers, but the knives are certainly out, aren't they? Campbell Brown had the best response to it all, blasting the McCain campaign operatives for dissing the the vice-presidential candidate that they themselves had picked and for telling us for weeks that she was ready to be one heartbeat away.

Are we to believe them now or what they were saying then? I'd rather believe them now, partly given that we saw how woefully unprepared Ms. Palin was to answer question during the Katie Couric interviews and partly because her stump rhetoric was just so mean spirited! It's ironic that Republicans channel Ronald Reagan in every election but they don't know anything about being positive in the way that he was. All their talk is fear-based. But I digress. I think these aides are devoted to McCain and trying to protect his legacy. Ironically, the more they bash his VP choice, the more people will conclude that John McCain was not in control of one of the most important decisions of his campaign, and how does that make him look deliberative or presidential? Maverick ain't lookin' so good these days!

1 comment:

Sean McLeod said...

It's interesting to read this for no other reason than the fact that I wrote it over thirteen years ago! Hindsight being 20/20 I wonder if Ms. Brown was referring to Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt, both McCain loyalists who were responsible for the first of the Trumpies and now regret their part in turning the republican party more loonie! Both have since left the party they helped to create and denounce Palin even more wholeheartedly now. I wonder what Campbell Brown would have to say? Maybe Palin's detractors then were right to have done so but it's frustrating that the truth only comes out when it's no longer useful!