Monday, September 15, 2008

Looting America!

I do believe that history is repeating itself because a wealthy few drive it to be so. I predict today that the stock market will crash and the American dream will sink into the mud that the money changers and the money masters have created.

Who are these people?

Lehman Bros.: (2007) $34.4 million
Merrill Lynch: (2007) $24.3 millionAIG:(2007) $14.3 million
Fannie Mae: (2007) $14.2 millionFreddie Mac: (2007)$18.3 million
Morgan Stanley: (2007) $41.8 millionGoldman Sachs: (2007) $70.3 million
Bank of America: (2007) $24.8 millionJP Morgan Chase and Co.: (2007) $27.8 million
Citigroup: (2007) $25.5 million

figures are one year compensation for the CEO position only and do not
include the compensation for other top executives, traders, partners,
figures courtesy of Executive Paywatch and based on SEC filings

For the first time in my life, I'm really scared of what is REALLY going on in the high places of our government. Who is running the show? Questions are being raised because the everyday American is suffering. Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Beahr Sterns??? Never in my days did I think we could repeat the past. Something is at odds with what drives our countries economics. Who has benefitted the most from the existance and than failure of these banks? How did we become a debtor society in government and individual accounts? America is failing.

I recall hearing a story about Abraham Lincolns greenback money that was created to fund the civil war along with income taxes. I found this article: The History of the Greenback Dollar. I'm prone to be suspicious of how the world works, and this didn't help. Is it possible that there is some fraud that has been fed to Americans? Has war always been the great deception to control the flow of money to a select few? War scared us into agreeing to the un-agreeable? I just don't know the answers to this. Insecurity drives bad decision making. What is America about to face? What is the world on the cusp of? I want to believe the spirit of America is strong and vibrant and visionary and rich in perseverance. Let it be so, to overcome what ever faces us.

I fear for Obama if he does become President that we will be looking for more from him than he ever imagined. I fear that the bleakness of our future is unavoidable and he will be blamed and the rich and well-connected will continue to become richer and more well-connected while our every day needs ignorantly feed their pockets.

Radical change is needed.

PS. If anyone knows what this means please tell me: Money in Circulation

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