Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Can we get past race with politics?

Here is a man that presented a speech about his experience of being biracial and the best thing people get from it is that he threw his grandmother under the bus! I just can not wrap my brain around how focused people are in finding fault! Why are the standards that he has to achieve so much higher and demanding? I guess some will relate to this historic moment and some will not. Will he win the presidency? I don't know. Is what he said needed to be said? Absolutely! He put a lot of trust in the American people, black, brown, and white, to take the high road.

Now about Rev Wrights words being Anti-American. They sucked! But that is the beauty of our country! People have free speech and the right to disagree and think that our country has done and does bad things! I can't be sure, but because most Americans (mostly white) are not use to a black image saying such things. The man has become a threat some how? I can say those that condemn homosexuality and say that we are turning into sodom and gamora and God condemns America instills in me an uneasiness. Yet these preachers are not condemned. The opinions of this issue are part of the race problem. Can we fix it all now? No. But we can start by being more aware and objective and admit that prejudice exists on all sides? We need to recognize our own contributions to the problem! Is this what Obama wanted us to see? But if you look at him with untrusting eyes, nothing he has said will move you towards healing wounds...discounting the truths of race in this country could be Anti-American. Wanting to ignore that we have a problem is not the kind of American values for me! There is no answer to correcting the past...except to pass on to the next generation hope that we can overcome this problem that has been a weight on us all. I love my country. I love my freedom. I love my fellow Americans...the good and the bad that comes with all of it. I am thankful that the worst conditions I deal with is a few misconceptions of what I'm about.

Be aware of your own contribution to making change...Mr. Obama made us aware and once you are aware it becomes difficult to turn away.

1 comment:

Sean McLeod said...

The fear factor has begun. It's not just that Wright's words are un-American. They were voiced by a black man, and as Obama stated of his own grandmother, whites have irrational fears of blacks. Some white people may hear Wright's words and fear not only him and his ilk, but also Obama himself because Wright is his spiritual mentor. And that's the only excuse needed. They don't even have to acknowledge racial bias, it's simply guilt by association and a questioning of Obama's judgment that he didn't dissociate himself from someone who spews such toxic words. I say kudos to Obama for maintaining the relationship and trying to explain its complexity yesterday. But in a sound bite world, I hope all is not lost for our man.